Experienced Seattle Auto Glass Repair Services Ensure Safe Driving

A cracked windshield or car window is not a usual occurrence; they usually happen because of accidents like a falling item from a truck ahead of you or an object kicked up by a passing car’s tires. The type of damage your windshield or window receives will depend on the location of the hit. If the strike is at the edge, expect a long crack that runs through your glass.

Windshield crack types

A more central hit will cause a starburst crack, with smaller cracks starting from the site of impact. You’ll be lucky though if you just received minor damages like pits on your windshield. No matter the severity of damage, it’s best to take your car immediately to an experienced Seattle auto glass service like Bullseye Auto Glass to have the damage repaired.

Auto glass repair in Seattle auto glass and replacement centers should be prioritized because cracks in your windshield could result in impaired driving. Just imagine trying to drive looking through spider web cracks on your windshield. Moreover, leaving the crack unattended, even just a small one, will only get worse; driving puts stress on the weakened or cracked glass, making it expand and eventually break. A windshield also provides additional support to your car’s structure; a damaged windshield or even an improperly installed one could result in a windshield that could be ripped out of place by a turbulent wind, or with the vehicle’s roof collapsing in an accident.

With these risks, you need to make sure that your automobile’s glass windows and windshields are properly installed and intact. Go to a trusted local professional like Bullseye Auto Glass for auto glass repairs, and don’t scrimp on such repairs, no matter how minor. Chips and dents may cost you less than a hundred dollars, and consume less than an hour’s work. However, more severe damage may require a full window replacement.

A window replacement is best left to professionals who have the tools and experience to remove the damaged glass and replace it properly. An auto glass replacement expert will replace the rubber weather stripping that holds the glass in place and remove any additional trimming and old weather stripping. An adhesive is applied before putting the glass in. The procedure is pretty straightforward, although you’ll have to wait for the adhesive to set before driving off with your car.

Be assured of safe driving knowing that your car’s auto glass has been properly installed and is intact. Visit a professional auto glass repair service to have your damaged glass repaired as soon as possible.

(Source: Windshield crack types, CarWindShields.Info)